Can Millennials Be Rainmakers?

Can Millennials Be Rainmakers?

  Millennials get a bad rap when it comes to their ability to foster and maintain relationships.  Regular readers of the Maraia Minutes know that Relationships are Everything for successful rainmaking.  The underlying premise of the Maraia Method® is that...

Systematic Success

“Most professionals are reactive when it comes to marketing. That’s in part due to the nature of many professions, which are often reactive. We respond to client-imposed deadlines or requests. On top of that, most professionals make marketing a low...
Staying in Touch with Clients and Friends

Staying in Touch with Clients and Friends

HELLO RAINMAKER! Staying in touch with friends and clients – or, How do I Get Back In Touch with Someone I Haven’t Spoken to in a Long Time? This topic strikes fear into the hearts of many who are trying to expand their network and grow their marketing activities. ...
Forecast for 2017: Rain!

Forecast for 2017: Rain!

Hello Rainmakers, Welcome to the first installment of the Maraia Minutes for 2017! Here’s to a new year, one that’s full of possibilities and new opportunities. For me, my new opportunity is taking the reins at Maraia & Associates. I am committed to continuing...